Mary Stucke |


Director of Assurance Services

Move the goalposts.

With time comes perspective, and some of Mary’s best advice: don’t try to boil the ocean; to make an impact, start with a cup of tea. In her long career with GBQ, Mary has inspired us all with her ability and willingness to reflect, pivot, and continually update her goals along the way.

Mary revels in being an advisor, mentor, and friend to both her clients and her internal team, uncovering what drives them and how she can help them find success. Her commitment to learning, as well as teaching, has earned her accolades in both her professional and personal life, including several of GBQ’s leadership and service awards; she was also named Volunteer of the Year by the Down Syndrome Association of Central Ohio.

  • The Ohio State University, B.S.
Supported By
Community Activities
  • Down Syndrome Association of Central Ohio
  • Leadership Columbus (Class of 2016)


Professional Associations
  • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
  • The Ohio Society of Certified Public Accountants


Connect with Mary

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